Dressmaker and garment alteration
9 reviews

We stitch and sew. The Bobine sewing and embroidery workshop personalizes your textiles and handles your alterations. Here, everyone has their own specialty: Bruno repairs and transforms new and second-hand clothes. He even reproduces the clothes you love. Quentin answers all your textile personalization needs in industrial embroidery (and screen printing), whether you're an individual or a professional. He can adapt your logo and offer you quality textiles, while Inès takes care of production (up to 3,000 pieces). Valentine, for her part, develops the La P'tite Goule brand of baby and children's products. Pull out the string, and the bobbin will pick up!

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Car maintenance tuning and accessories

Leave your car with or without an appointment, regardless of the brand, or whether it is gasoline or diesel. At Speedy, they work for respect for the environment and safety… every 10 000 km, the brakes must be checked; every 20 000 km the shock absorbers and all the exhaust lines every 6 months… You're warned, you have to treat your car to avoid treating yourself! What to say apart from that this is efficiency. Speed, dependability, and dynamism, all of this guarantees Swift. Good service and good monitoring of the vehicles.

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Denis Philippe

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