
Hotel, bar, restaurant, caterer, Le Camellia de Yannick and Nathalie Gatineau are part of these establishments which count in a village because they meet all the needs relating to the cottage and cover. It also offers every lunchtime a "working menu" at 11,50 € which allows, as you say, to have for its money! With two entries (no choice, no: ex officio! assiette plate and jambon ham, for example), choice between two resistance dishes (homemade lasagna salad and volaille rice of), cheese and dessert (chocolate foam, lemon cream and other "safe values"). The room is spacious and the staff friendly and efficient. Open every lunchtime, Camellia can also be every evening (except Fridays and Sundays), on reservation, for those who wish to dine in groups. In this case, the menu is 20,50 € with a choice, you are not told!

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Le camelia

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