Organization for solidarity and mutual aid

On the 44, the Pôle Formation et Insertion des Pays de la Loire des Apprentis d'Auteuil, offer innovative training and remobilization courses. Be curious and come and meet them! "Jardiniers d'Auteuil" is a pre-qualifying training course for young people aged 16 to 30, without a job or diploma (plant-related jobs, with organic market gardening and maintenance of green spaces as a support). As for the "Business Launcher", it is an entrepreneurial support action for 18-30 year olds, with little or no qualifications, who wish to launch their activity. The training and employment centre is based in Bouguenais-Les Couëts, on the Loire road and then on the chemin du Couvent, on the road to Pornic (opposite the McDonald's). Finally, the Potager, an organic market gardening integration project that combines employment, training and socio-professional support to access a sustainable job. The team produces and markets weekly baskets of fresh fruit and vegetables at two sites: Bouguenais and Saint-Julien-de-Concelles. Confidence can save the future!

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