Since noon on 17 March, containment measures have been taken by the French authorities to combat the spread of COVID-19 on the territory. Elisha Nochomovitz is a marathon runner with 36 marathons on her odometer. So it's not easy for this regular runner to not be able to go where he wants in the Toulouse area. And even if the French are still allowed to jog alone, in the block and respecting the gestures barriers, Elisha prefers to avoid because he considers that the best way to avoid the spread of the virus and to help the caregivers who are in the front line is to stay at home. That's why he has decided to run a marathon... on his balcony! He ran 6,000 round trips for a distance of 42 km in exactly 6 hours and 48 minutes, a length of 7 metres. A good way to pass the time, to keep exercising, to fight against the virus and also a great feat of which he can be proud. Congratulations Marathon Man! More information on Elisha Nochomovitz's Instagram page