Thai restaurant
3 reviews

The specialties of this Asian restaurant dig culinary curiosity as much as appetite: Imperial crab clips, a happiness nest to the shrimp and nuts of Saint-Jacques, grilled chicken with lemonella, a broth meldue… It is copied beautifully and pleasantly, in a wooden decor with stylised motifs. If you prefer to use yourself, we will use the buffet. But if you like to be served, you will find that dishes brought to the table can eat like Grandgousier. Thai beef salad was taken three times, then three times from the lawn duck, with rice chosen Cantonese. Because we were hungry? Because it was tasty. After that, there were apple doughnuts. We swallowed up two. Here too, only their good taste justified the stomach dilation that we started to feel. Since then, we've walked and worked well. Then we'll go back.

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