Entraînement sportif au parc de Paris-Val-de-Marne

Jogging Running

It is part of the six interdepartmental parks of Île-de-France and covers the territories of Choisy-le-Roi and Créteil. The Parc de Paris-Val-de-Marne, with its 150 hectares, offers great opportunities for local athletes. Both sides - North Plain and South plain - have 5 kilometres of open lanes at the promenade, to explore in jogging, cycling or roller. But that is not everything: The Parc Paris-Val-de-Marne, these are also 12 tennis courts, 2 rugby courts, 19 football fields, and many other mixed land. In short, you will be able to understand the pleasures without ever bothering you!

Tariff: free.

Difficulty: variable.

Getting there: RER D Villeneuve-Prairie.

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Games and entertainment rooms

Le Troll Savant (a special mention for the name, which we love!) offers countless board games for young and old alike. Matthieu Brulin, the man in charge of this great place, will be happy to share his favorites with you, or give you some pointers if you're a bit lost when faced with the sheer number of games on offer. Here, you'll also find regular events where you can play, and there's no lack of atmosphere: you'll be able to take part in them in a superb hall!

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Fitness Park Créteil Soleil

Gym and fitness club
Recommended by a member

Fitness Park Créteil - Pompadour

Gym and fitness club
Recommended by a member