Print media

Created by the Bucodes SurdiFrance, which federates associations of hard of hearing and deafened people in France, this quarterly aims to inform its readers about their rights in terms of hearing aids and health, as well as about the existing possibilities of accessibility for the hearing impaired in order to improve their daily life. It is a vehicle for sharing experiences between hearing impaired people and also acts as a relay for the actions of associations working in the interest of the hearing impaired.

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Print media

A general information magazine, Vivrensemble is published by Unapei, a network of associations supporting people with intellectual and psychological disabilities, multiple handicaps and autism. With a circulation of 55,000 since 1989, Vivrensemble highlights associative initiatives, develops thematic dossiers on major disability issues (education, work, accessibility, ageing...) and offers a permanent watch on current events (politics, law, research...) as well as practical and legal information.

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Print media

Quelle Histoire Mag, published by Quelle Histoire, is aimed at children aged 7 to 10. It's a fun way to learn about key historical concepts. As they read the pages, children will discover thematic dossiers featuring a historical figure (written in collaboration with a historian), comic strips recounting historical inventions, or an imaginary interview (but real in its answers) with a historical figure. It's a very interesting magazine that's sure to get the whole family talking.

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