AIDS STD Prevention

Christian & AIDS, created in 1991, wants to help Christian communities and, more generally, society as a whole to reflect on the cultural, social, ethical and pastoral implications of HIV infection, to assume their responsibilities in the fight against disease and its prevention, to show their attention and solidarity with the affected people and their families, to bring about a change in attitudes and to change behaviour, to overcome the attitudes of the people and their families. silence, denial and fear, and combat any form of stigma and discrimination. In the name of evangelical values, Christian & AIDS fosters a holistic approach to the person by putting forward self-esteem and respect for oneself, responsibility, solidarity and the essential love, campaigning for an education to affectivity and sexuality based on self-knowledge, his body, the one on the other, sexual practices and the other. love reports. Christians & AIDS is active in France (metropolitan and overseas), Belgium and Africa. 30 local groups with specific field actions, partnerships with anti-AIDS associations in Africa, awareness-raising activities with migrant communities, training in broad public (religious leaders, youth, families, etc.), means of communication and information, a quarterly reflection newspaper and an annual Africa supplement, a regular internal letter, and local events and national… Ecumenical, Christian & AIDS is animated by men and women of different faiths and backgrounds. Anxious to serve all the spiritual resources of the Gospel, they share their experience in the prevention of AIDS, support for people infected and fighting the epidemic. Christian & AIDS maintains relations with the churches in order to help them reflect on the issues arising from the epidemic.

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