Daily press

A free general-information newspaper with a predominantly young readership, 20 Minutes covers national and international news, with the added bonus of local pages on current events, depending on the local edition - and the Paris edition is no exception. Launched in the 2000s, the newspaper has undergone many changes: smaller format, streamlined layout, more images, thinner pages. It's a recipe that seems to have worked, since 20 Minutes is the only paper to have held out against the many competitors in the free sector!

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Monthly press

Infrared, to see it in the world of night! Distributed to nearly 69 000 copies and distributed in more than 1 500 points in Paris and in the major cities of the province, Infrared celebrates this year the 10 years of its creation and always focuses on making "what makes and those at night" discover. Their credo: " distract and inform about what happens between 18 a. m. and 6 p. m. ". To do this, interviews, portraits and reports are this monthly tabloid of 24 pages. The perfect tool for the Parisian jet-setteur, but also for all night-owls.

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Print media

She in Paris is the first female supplement in Paris. Small, practical and close, it offers to the woman an exclusive selection of addresses and good plans (shopping, fashion, deco, beauty, culture, etc.) and uncovers places, outstanding personalities, original trends…

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Print media

Free of charge on Friday, Sport is a beautiful part of the photos and is always interested in big media sports such as rugby, football or tennis or Formula 1. One constant, however: headings focused on well-being, health and portraits of young women, which you prefer to present lightly rather than in their sports. From the glamour, the slide, the cuta, everything served by the colour and a large format that puts a contemporary model in value.

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News website

Complete information per minute on all sports. You can customize your home page, create alerts, and share your impressions of sports news and news, or create your own blog at www.sports.fr.

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Print media

Website and magazine created for and by mothers, with lots of advice for children aged 0-6, testimonials and tests, alongside in-depth articles by professionals. The magazine is available on newsstands and free of charge from crèches, PMIs, maternity wards, gynecologists and pediatricians. Moms can also become bloggers and/or editors for the site! Dads can also apply to share information and tips with a community of parents.

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Print media
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