1 review

You must have a nose to find his happiness at Noz! A mess whose rays are filled with small prices: food, preserves, wines, games, garden (and curtains, carpets), kitchen utensils, bricolage, hygiene, stationery, books, gifts… That discount items discounted, to find without emptying your wallet, to be fun without having to regret it. Whether you're looking for something specific or not, it's rare to go back empty!

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Big Bazaar, it's not saying! So, yes, the products are badly stowed and poorly placed; Yes, you have to look, search, search, but what pleasure you feel when you dénicherez the good deal! Big Bazaar, it's a discount shop, discounted articles, where you'll find everything you're looking for, and even what you're not looking for: food, wine, preserves, household linen, tablecloths, crockery, decoration and bathroom accessories, hygiene, DIY, stationery, boxes, games, gadgets… A carphanaüm, it seems, where everything is sorted by theme, and where you'll have only wander to make you pleasure and pleasure at broken prices. 

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C'est deux euros Besançon

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