Regional grocery cheese and cream shops
2 reviews

This centenary cheese factory no longer has to prove its worth! It produces a very tasty emmental to raw milk. Of course, it has modernized and has lost some poetry, but it shows full transparency. In addition to the emmental, fresh cream and other cheeses, including the langres, fall. The shop also has a large time range, which is significant.

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Regional grocery cheese and cream shops

In the rich pastures of the Bassigny, Jocelyne, Bernard and Aurélie Bertrant raise a herd of about forty dairy cows whose milk is sold to an industrial cheese factory, and a herd of about seventy goats whose milk is used to produce their own cheeses. The stars here are the fresh round goat, the mature goat and the ash goat, to be enjoyed with a little Coiffy wine. A transparent cheese factory, driven by the owners' unwavering love for their animals. A real treat!

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