2 reviews

French and Spanish find themselves in this great area, which does not always. There is a petrol station that, if you think of billboards, emits the cheapest petrol in the region! In the same area, several shops have elected, Norauto well stocked in spare parts for cars, Bike-Sport and Decathlon and a McDonald's. In the Commercial gallery, the barge can haunt 60 different shops, ordered according to the same criteria as in France. Among these, let us note at random: " Mango "," La Mode is Yours "; " Nature "," Denok Perfumery "," Pimkie "," Petit Boy "," Caroll ", etc., as well as coffees for a thirst-quenching stop. Finally, finally enter the supermarket, impressive in its delightful, organisation and cleanliness. Imagine more than 7 000 m 2 of surface, 50 boxes, between the aisles of the aisles that look rather like avenues, a huge choice, local products as well as very French products, all at competitive prices.

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