Press agency
1 review

Club VIP Business is a business network based in Grenoble. Created in 2008, it brings together decision-makers and project leaders from the Rhône-Alpes region. Its main objective is to boost members' sales by facilitating business contacts. Each month, an evening is organized in a variety of venues, including lounge bars, restaurants and hotels. These evenings enable members to exchange recommendations and generate business opportunities. The VIP Business Club currently boasts 28,000 members and is present on social networks. Evenings are open to co-opted members, and it's advisable to bring at least two people with you to expand your network. Evenings run from 7pm to 11pm, and bring together between 100 and 200 people. The VIP Business Club offers the opportunity to do business in a festive and convivial atmosphere.

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 Grenoble, 38000


Press agency

Apart from the regional gay press, like the Lyonnais Hétéroclite (www.heteroclite.org), the excellent Lyon Mag (www.lyonmag.com) regularly deals with topics on homosexuality. LO'M (www.editions-rlo.com) is also distributed. In a generalist press, there is also Lyon (clubbing).com (www.lyonclubbing.com) - monthly that distilling everything that moves in Lyon, in the evening - and the indispensable Little Bulletin (www.petit-bulletin.fr) - hebdo on output: criticism of cinema, books; theatre; exhibition; museums, etc; LyonPeople (www.lyonpeople.com) also has a "output" section. Don't forget the website www.gayinlyon.com, which is very well updated of all events that affect the LGBT world.

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 Lyon, 69001