Time difference Ecuador

Ecuador's time zone is GMT -5. Summer time: 7 hours less than in France (8 hours less in the Galapagos). Winter time: 6 hours less than in France (7 hours less in the Galápagos). Example: when it's midday in Paris, it's 6 a.m. in Quito in winter, and 5 a.m. in summer.

Opening hours Ecuador

To see / To do Ecuador

Museums and other tourist attractions are generally open from 9am to 5pm, sometimes with a break for lunch.

Enjoying yourself Ecuador

Lunch is usually served between noon and 3pm. Plan to dine early, as most restaurants close around 9:30pm. Many restaurants are closed on Sundays.

Take a break Ecuador

Please note that many bars and cafés are closed on Sundays. They usually open at 8am and close quite early (6pm) outside the big cities. During the day, Ecuadorians in the big cities like to take a break and drink a good local coffee, bearing in mind that the country is a major producer of this wonderful fruit.

Happy hour is a very common practice in Ecuador, but is usually limited to local drinks or certain cocktails. It usually starts around 5pm and lasts until 8pm.

(To) please yourself Ecuador

Stores are generally open from 9am to 5pm, except in shopping malls where they open at around 10am and close at around 8pm in major cities.

Get out Ecuador

Nightlife is particularly lively on weekends, from Thursday to Sunday, much like in France. Bank holiday eves are often lively too. Nightclubs open around midnight, but are often preceded by a visit to an establishment where drink and music go hand in hand. We recommend La Oficina brew pub, near Quito's Plaza San Blas, for this purpose.