The wind of the day before has calmed down and it will be possible to take kayaks to meet muskox. If they are very suspicious of land approaches, they let kayaks do without problems. They will be very close and in the event of panic from the group they will not be able to put us in danger because they do not swim. With the sound of our advance on the water and the movement of paddles, the day is an enchantment and meeting meetings. The docking on a quiet side and fast ascent allows picnic on a rock with the ice cap as horizon. It is about thirty kilometers away and its line is very distinct. At the end of the day, the rain that has just arrived prevents the campfire from cooking our pasta quickly. Refugees in tents, we appreciate the warmth of duvets. Very early in the morning, one of the muskox we had so loosely sought out on the hill overlooking the camp. Morning meets us all. Much more than discovering traces left around the tent by foxes. As discreet during the day, they have made noise all night to roam around camp, Jean-Pavia confirms that they systematically urinate on human objects as if they could not bear the smell. It will take a good day of hiking to reach Fergusson Lake and Kangerlussuaq. On the way a few traces left by Inuit hunters remain. Mainly stones placed in circular ways to shelter them during hunting but also stone piles serving as a pantry. Tomorrow we take the road to Ilulissat, the town of icebergs.

See the video of the experience with Jens-Pavia.

Organize his stay with North Space, specialist in Greenland.