Road trip of two weeks in Greenland, Inuit land. A nature destination rather poorly known and preserved. I will share with you in about twenty posts the main attractions of this destination during the summer. It is a fairly intense period, because the nature is relatively relative, nature develops a bit and glaciers are very active in icebergs production. It is also the period of the midnight sun and it will always be a day.

The arrival takes place in Kangerlussuaq, a small town that hosts the international airport. We begin with a discovery of the montages surrounding Fergusson Lake on the edge of the ice cap looking for muskox, the animal with fur like a beard. It is the largest terrestrial mammal in the country and lives in small groups. It is quite difficult to find and almost disappeared, but these mountains sheltered some groups. We behave like real hunters, discreet in the approach, using the rolling relief. Once identified by the leader of the group, they will quickly move away from the potential danger. It must be said that they are still being hunted and that their tasty meat is highly appreciated. On the ground, some bones are there throughout the course and Jean-Pavia, our guide, has all observed them. He was a young man whom he killed two years ago, another one is an older, old-age dead. There are also some bones of caribou. The climate and the long winter period make decomposition very slow. It will take a day and 14 km of quite sporty terrain to reach our destination by a lake. The tents carefully hidden behind a rock are quickly assembled and it is time to get a little dry wood to make a fire and prepare the meal. Provisions brought back into our backpacks, but also delicious bolets and bays gathered along our road. Two groups of muskox were seen on the course. The next day, farther away from the village and thus less frequented by the hunter, should make it possible to see more… It will not be night, given that the sun is barely past midnight, but the fatigue and freshness produced by the lake make us happy to have our duvets for a good night's rest.


Organize his stay with North Space, specialist in Greenland.