What I am about to tell you, reader, is the story of my journey, a very special journey. Have you ever dreamed of going somewhere, from the deepest of your heart, and thought that the time had come for you to realize this precious dream? Like a place called you, whispered sweet words to which you simply couldn't resist? Words that would give you the verge, which would touch your heart and soul, words that would bring you an inner light and draw on your lips an eternal smile? This place is Kalaallit Nunaat and I want you to follow me. From now on, forget everything: past, present and future. Let your whole body let itself go to this magic walk while your spirit remains free. Wary, Greenland is powerful. Perhaps you will also hear these special words…


When we hear this kind of appeal, is it difficult to think of a better starting point than Copenhagen? Isn't that the country of the little mermaid? I hang my belt, hold my breath… go, my plane, take me to this island, I'm ready now! My heart rises at the moment the plane takes off, but it's not because of altitude. Just joy, joy so pure…

Now, here you are, Kangerlussuaq… now I can see your winter landscapes from my doorstep. All this white. Everywhere. Mountains, lakes, fjords covered with snow and ice. What a beautiful monochrome. You look so big, so free, so serene! Landing… my heart doesn't want to synchronize with the plane's movement this time. He's still on his little cloud and doesn't want to go down. Holy Levitation. I'm catching my backpack and ready to go out. I want to feel your cold cold, Kangerlussuaq. The door opens, I'm about to touch Greenland soil… tears in the eyes. No, the cold is not the cause. Happiness is the reason. I'm going down the stairs. I feel like an astronaut, the place is surrealistic. Some colorful buildings and wild nature all around. Feeling of freedom. The cold tickles and freezes my nose hair. The weather is playing here. We're going to be friends, I sense.


The group and I am being led to Old Camp where we're going to spend two nights. We leave our luggage in our rooms and sit around the kitchen table. We are getting acquainted. The guide, Adam, is here. He asks us where we come from and why we are here. The situation reminds me of a meeting scene of alcoholics anonymous as we can see in the cinema. When my turn comes, I want to joke and say, "Hello, my name is Emilie and I've been drunk for two years now" but not knowing enough people here, I dare not try the joke. Instead, I simply say the truth: " I'm Emilie and I'm 34. " Coming to Greenland is my absolute dream. Of course for his sublime landscapes but also and especially for his extraordinary people. It's not that I wanted to come here, it was much stronger than that, I felt the need to come and come now. I listen to everyone with great attention. Their stories are real diamonds. We are all here for the same reasons: make a dream. Wow! Extraordinary energy is flowing between us. It is palpable. Every story is moving and different. Some are looking for borealis, others dream of coming here from childhood, etc. I realize I am not the only one who heard the call. I am deeply touched by a couple who explains why they are being present. They planned to come, it was their greatest dream, but the husband was diagnosed with cancer. After winning the battle against the disease, they said it was the right time. But we can see in their words an emergency, a victory, a crying cry of freedom, an incredible ode to life! I can't help having my eyes clouded. When people are gathered by the dream, it is a unique feeling, one of the greatest treasures in the world! I have never heard or experienced anything similar in my travels. Greenland is bigger than life! I already knew it, but living it gives me an exquisite feeling.


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