Stay : Wealth of Mayotte

This route gives you an idea of the inescapable of Mayotte and what deserves to be seen and discovered in order to meet the soul of Maoré… So let us guide you…

Summary of the stay


Best time to go

Suggested by Petit Futé

7 days

€€ - Charm and comfort

Culture / Heritage
Faune and flora
With Quotatrip - tailor-made travel

Where to stay - Dzaoudzi ?

The map of your stay - Mayotte

Detail of the stay : Wealth of Mayotte - 7 days

  • Dzaoudzi
  • Mamoudzou
  • Trévani-Kangani
  • Passamainty
  • Mamoudzou
  • Mamoudzou
  • Bandrélé
  • Bandrélé
  • Bandrélé
  • Mamoudzou
  • Chirongui
  • Chirongui
  • Pamandzi-Labattoir
  • Pamandzi-Labattoir

Day 1: Arrival in Pamandzi on Petite-Terre

Steps: Dzaoudzi, Mamoudzou, Trévani-Kangani, Passamainty

Caribou Maoré, taxi or rental car to reach the barge on Dzaoudzi, then Mamoudzou on Grande-Terre. Pick-up of your car in Mamoudzou, installation towards Mamoudzou or its surroundings (Passamainty, Tzoundzou or Trévani). In general, after the flight time, there is only one thing you want to do: rest or enjoy the beach. This is how you will meet the dogfish in the late afternoon, which will surprise you by their size and which generally become more active when the weather is not so hot. At that time, the first makis will come to visit you and claim some bananas (all you need are large trees to see makis spread all over the island).

Day 2: Discovery of the North

Steps: Mamoudzou

Departure from Mayotte with its pretty bangas decorated and inhabited by teenagers who try to seduce young girls. Enjoy the magical views of the northern islets and their turquoise waters (try to enjoy the low tides, it is at this time that you will see the most beautiful shades of the lagoon) and return to the centre of the island with its bush, its ylang-ylang plantations, its stills, its cinnamon forests).

Places of interest :

Day 3: Dolphin safari or whale

Nothing like this is the season, to explore the most beautiful islands, with their beautiful beaches. Take advantage of the marins (palmes, masque and snorkeling) of their seabed populated with colorful fish, coraux corals. as a family, the palmated hiking is a perfect framed activity for all levels of practice. And you'll surely have the chance to see dolphins or whales.

Day 4: Departure to the south of Mayotte

Steps: Bandrélé

Stop in front of the biggest baobab at Musical Plage. Visit the salt ecomuseum in Bandrélé and then head for N'gouja beach, to swim with the large green turtles that spend their day grazing the herbarium facing the beach (at high tide). A unique moment! Laze on the beach bordered by baobabs and return by the Ylang and Vanilla ecomuseum on the west coast.

Places of interest :

Day 5: Discovering the seabed

Steps: Mamoudzou

To discover the "S" pass or other spots depending on your diving club, then afternoon on Mamoudzou for spices purchases at the covered market.

Day 6: Hiking day

Steps: Chirongui

In the interior forests or climbing Mount Choungui (it's worth it, but be careful, it's quite steep!).

Day 7: Back to Petite-terre

Steps: Pamandzi-Labattoir

Cross with the barge and arrive on Petite-Terre to discover the Rock, Moya Beach and goodbye (kwaheri in Shimaore) to everyone at Pamandzi Airport. You can also arrive on Petite-Terre the day before to stay and spend a moment with the locals. Petite-Terre has much more to offer than the airport.

How to get there - Dzaoudzi

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