Art gallery exhibition space foundation and cultural center

The house also houses the Athenaeum and the Michelena room where painting contests are occasionally held. His first owner, General llanero Páez (1790-1873), elected president in 1830, himself oversaw the execution of the frescoes of Castillo, which illustrate his battles and other mythological scenes, and accompanied by maxims of the kind: " It is a great evil not to do good "… Internationally recognized (he had found himself at the side of Grant during the American Independence Parade, as well as in the baptism of Napoleon III's son…), Páez died in exile in New York. His ashes are now at the Pantheon in Caracas.

Here you will find information on the Excursionist centre of Valencia, which meets on the first Thursday of every month at 20 pm.

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Guided tours

Chipilin Chuao, son of the Posada Posada, is a local property that works for the preservation of the village's heritage. He knows Chuao as his pocket and the charismatic inhabitants, whom he will present to you with pleasure. It also develops rather surprising cocoa products: a delight.

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Natural site to discover

We go to Chuao for the beach, of course, but also for interesting walks. 2 hours from the village is a beautiful waterfall 60 m high called El Chorrerón. It is advisable to use the services of a guide, or a child from the village, because to access it you must cross the river 27 times!

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