Media library

The name of the Charbonnier Poet de la Grésigne, disappeared in the early 1980 s, is the smallest town library with so many readers! Book books and sound documents. Evenings and night, tea and reading salon for the duration of the Festival.

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 Vaour, 81140


Media library

Located in an ancient rehabilitated mégisserie, it is worthy of the great cities. Open Tuesday to Saturday - Tuesday and Friday, only in the afternoon. A symbol: since January 2005, this former factory has been marking the first step in the recovery of the city's industrial heritage. On 2 000 square metres and three levels accessible to everyone, the huge rooms and glass walls play on volumes and light. To the outside lift, in its glass cage, which unites all areas of knowledge. A total of fifty works and six thousand audio cds can be lent or consulted. Novelty: youth and music dvds. Activities for small people are organised, such as Time of the Tale. Parking and access for disabled people. The library is multi-ethnic and operates in a network with the libraries of Gaillac, Brens, Briatexte, Lisle-Tarn, Lagrave and Parisot-Peyrole.

A site to consult: www.cc-tarndadou.fr/, heading "media".

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 Graulhet, 81300


Media library
Recommended by a member
 Cordes-Sur-Ciel, 81170