Boat and ferry

Transports passengers, campervans, cars and motorcycles between mainland Australia and Tasmania. Departures from mainland Australia are now always from Geelong, 70 kms from Melbourne. Tasmanian arrivals and departures are from Devonport, in northern Tasmania. For day trips, you can purchase a Day Ticket only (no cabin or seat reservation) at a lower fare than the night fare. Destination and timetable available on the website. On-board restaurant and cinema.

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Boat and ferry

40 minutes south of Hobart. Perfect to discover Bruny Island. Ferries offer more than 20 departures to the island per day during the summer, slightly less in winter, for a 15 to 20 minute crossing. Passengers travel free of charge and there is no need to book on a fixed ferry departure. It is necessary to pay for the vehicles. Pre-buy your open-date ticket online and save time upon arrival. The website is also a mine of information about the island: fauna and flora, maps, hiking routes...

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