Randonnée dans le Jura
Hiking in the Jura © Photophil - Adobe Stock

There's no shortage of hiking opportunities in the Jura. They are the best way to discover the wild, unspoilt landscapes of the Jura massif, lined with coniferous forests and pierced by emerald lakes. These sublime sites offer hikes suitable for families or beginners, as well as experienced hikers!

1. The reculée of Baume-les-Messieurs

Baume-Les-Messieurs © PHILETDOM - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 8 km
  • Difference in altitude: 356 m
  • Walkingtime : 3 h
  • Itinerary

In Jura parlance, a reculée is a valley nestling in the hollow of a steep cliff. Of the department's many reculées, the Baume-les-Messieurs reculée is unanimously considered the most beautiful. This is not only because of the charming little village nestled in its hollow, classified as one of the most beautiful villages in France, but also because of the waterfall at the bottom of the reculée. This medium-level hike starts at the parking lot on the D70E1, which you can reach by car or hitchhiking.

2. La Grande Traversée du Jura

Chalon, Département Jura, Franche-Comté
Chalon, Jura Department, Franche-Comté © Richard Semik - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 400 km
  • Altitude difference: 15,000 m
  • Duration: 15 to 25 days
  • Itinerary

The Grande Traversée du Jura is also known as the GR®509. In fact, it's a Grande Randonnée itinerary, i.e. a long-distance hike to be completed over several days. This hike in the Jura crosses the massif from north to south. This grandiose itinerary allows you to fully appreciate this natural destination. Along the way, you can opt for one of the many tourist accommodations, such as hotels or gîtes, or prefer to bivouac.

3. Cirque du Fer à Cheval and Reculée des Planches

Cirque du fer à cheval, vallée du Giffre, haute Savoie
Cirque du Fer à Cheval, Giffre Valley, Haute Savoie © Rawsavoyard - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 16.5 m
  • Difference in altitude: 550 m
  • Duration : 5 h
  • Itinerary

Villages far removed from mass tourism, frothy waterfalls, mountains and forests... This hike in the Jura is a true demonstration of the region's landscapes. But be warned, these beauties have to be earned, as this is a rather difficult itinerary, with some fairly steep sections. The looped route is also fairly long, requiring at least 5 hours to complete.

4. The Château-Chalon vineyards

Les vignobles de Château-Chalon
Château-Chalon vineyards © Pix - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 9.5 km
  • Height difference: 375 m
  • Walkingtime : 3 h
  • Itinerary

This hike in the Jura forms a loop around Château-Chalon, known as one of France's most beautiful villages. This hilltop village is famous for its yellow wine, with bottles that can age for over a century! Château-Chalon is a real must-see in the Jura, not only for its beautiful vineyards, but also for its gastronomy. Walking is by far the best way to discover this wild, heritage-rich region.

5. Pic de l'Aigle and belvedere of the four lakes

Lac d'Ilay depuis le pic de l'aigle
Lac d'Ilay from Pic de l'Aigle © oceane - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 7 km
  • Height difference: 275 m
  • Duration: 2 hrs 30 mins
  • Itinerary

This Jura hike forms a loop in the heart of the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park. It's a medium-level hike, admittedly rather short, but with a certain difference in altitude. But it's well worth the effort: you'll enjoy spectacular views of the Jura plateaus and the superb Four Lakes Valley. And in the heart of this exceptional natural environment, why not practice regenerative tourism and take along a plastic bag for a clean-up walk, during which you can pick up any garbage you come across.

6. The Hérisson waterfalls

Les cascades du Hérisson
Les cascades du Hérisson © Dbjr - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 7 km
  • Difference in altitude: 275 m
  • Duration : 2 h 20
  • Itinerary

The Hérisson waterfalls are one of the most beautiful and famous hikes in the Jura. The site is so grandiose, in fact, that it has been classified as one of France's rare Grands Sites. In the heart of this mossy landscape, the Hedgehog performs a variety of pirouettes, with a total of 31 consecutive jumps. The highest is 65 m high! To protect this natural site, cars are not allowed in the vicinity, so the waterfalls can only be reached on foot. The best time to visit is in spring, when the melting ice feeds the torrent at its best. In autumn, it's also well worth the detour, as the scenery takes on a shimmering hue.

7. The Four Lakes Tour

Région des 4 lacs dans le Jura
The 4 lakes region in the Jura © jef 77 - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 11 km
  • Difference in altitude: 220 m
  • Duration : 3 h
  • Itinerary

This is a great hike for the whole family in the Jura, with no steep sections and plenty of beautiful scenery. In the heart of the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park, your steps will take you to four famous lakes isolated from the crowds lac du Petit Maclu, Lac du Grand Maclu, Lac de Narlay and Lac de la Motte. What's more, the trail passes through the Jura forest, so you'll find yourself mostly in the shade, making it a perfect itinerary for hot summer days.

8. Tour of Lac de Vouglans

Lac de Vouglans, Jura
Lac de Vouglans, Jura © rochagneux - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 80 km
  • Difference in altitude: 2,300 m
  • Duration: 2 to 4 days
  • Itinerary

The Tour du Lac de Vouglans is another long-distance hiking route in the Jura. This time, it explores the department's most famous lake. Known for its azure waters, sparsely urbanized shores and numerous water sports activities, Lac de Vouglans is a great place to spend 2 to 4 days. You can then spend the night in one of the lake's gîtes and take breaks to sample the delicious Jura cuisine. You can also choose tobring your own picnic, as long as you bring a plastic bag to ensure you reduce your ecological impact by not leaving any waste behind. This makes Lac de Vouglans an ideal hiking destination in Franche-Comté.

9. The Flumen waterfalls

Cascades du Flumen dans le Jura
Flumen waterfalls in the Jura © julien leiv - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 5.5 km
  • Height difference: 180 m
  • Walkingtime : 1 h 30
  • Itinerary

The Hérisson waterfalls aren't the only waterfalls worth visiting in the Jura. In the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park, the Flumen waterfalls also offer magnificent scenery on this easy hike, ideal for families or beginners. You'll follow the Flumen river, which at one point forms a veritable gorge, before reaching the falls. You'll then have to retrace your steps back to the starting point.

10. The Saine gorges

Source de la Saine
Source de la Saine © Vincentco64 - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 10 km
  • Difference in altitude: 300 m
  • Duration : 3 h
  • Itinerary

This medium-level hike is accessible even to beginners, albeit at the cost of some physical effort. Indeed, it includes a relative difference in altitude and a certain length. But these efforts will be rewarded by a magnificent view of the Saine gorges: a particularly impressive Jura landscape. Remember to bring a headlamp, as the trail passes through a tunnel almost 200 m long. In fact, part of the route follows a former tramway track.

11. Les pertes de l'Ain

Pertes de L'Ain
Pertes de L'Ain © arnaudmartinez - Adobe Stock
  • Distance: 3.7 km
  • Height difference: 150 m
  • Walkingtime : 1 h
  • Itinerary

This loop route leads to the pertes de l'Ain. Here, the river suddenly disappears at the end of a narrow gorge barely 2 m wide. The river doesn't vanish into thin air; it simply flows through a network of underground galleries that it has carved out of the rock over thousands of years. But don't worry, the water flows right back again, forming waterfalls, basins, chasms and pirouettes all around the site.

For more mountain hikes, check out our articles on the best hikes in the Alps, the best hikes in the Pyrenees and the best hikes in the Auvergne.

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