Bus station

There is no train station in Rio de Contas, but in Livramento, about 10 km away. You have to take a taxi to get to Rio de Contas.From Salvador: with the company Novo Horizonte. Approximately 11 hours of travel.During the holiday period, it is better to buy the tickets in advance, because the demand is great. The solution in case there is no more room is to buy a ticket to Brumado, vitoria da Conquista or Ituacu, and then take another bus to Livramento.

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 Rio De Contas


Bus and coach

Bus company.

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Coach operator

The transport company Viaçao Aguia Branca provides connections from Porto Seguro to many destinations in the state of Bahia and other Brazilian states. As with other public transport companies, Porto Seguro's geographical location makes connections to the Brazilian metropolises long.

Several lines depart from Porto Seguro.

Bom Despacho (ferry to Salvador): departure at 6:20 pm (check in advance). Count 10 hours of travel.

You can also go to Camamu (7 hours of travel),

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 Porto Seguro


Coach operator

Rota Transportes is a bus company that serves Itacaré. This bus line provides connections between Itacaré and Ilheus. The two cities are mutually very well served. Indeed, whatever the tourist season, there are departures almost every hour between 6am and 8pm, in both directions. The journey takes about 2 hours. They also operate on the Itacaré-Porto Seguro line as well (one bus a day in both directions that leaves Itacaré at 1:20 pm and arrives at 9:20 pm, and leaves at 10 am from Porto Seguro)

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Coach operator

Two buses of the Real Expresso company connect Lençóis to Salvador and Salvador to Lençois every day. They leave Lençois at 8:30am and 10:30pm and arrive at 3:50pm and 4:20am. From Salvador to Lençois, they leave at 1pm and 2:20am and arrive at 7:20pm and 4:40am. There are urban legends about "road cutters" on the night trips, but this seems to be a myth. If the night trip allows to avoid losing a day in Salvador or in the Chapadas, the arrival at 4am obliges to warn the pousada so that one can be welcomed.

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Coach operator

From Porto Seguro via Trancoso and Arraial d'Ajuda (40 km - 3 hours transport), departures from the ferry, about twice a day (more in high season). When it rains too much, the connection is interrupted, the buses would get stuck in the mud. You might get stuck in Caraíva. The solution is to come back by combi, if you manage to form a small group.

This type of transport is relatively inaccurate in terms of punctuality. It's part of Brazilian folklore, but you need to allow for a wide time interval in case of a connection.

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