Ancient monuments

In its heyday, Caral, the main city and major ceremonial center of the civilization of the same name, must have numbered between 1,000 and 3,000 individuals divided into hierarchical classes and tasks. This civilization expanded and prospered for about 1,000 years. Unlike the neighboring cities of Aspero and Vichama, Caral is located in the foothills of the desert, 23 km from the coast. It has been declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Several archaeologists explored the zone as Max Uhle, Julio C. Tello, Carlos Williams or the Swiss Frederic Engel, but it is when 1996 that the works of update of the city and its satellites were completed and were diffused, of the hand of the archaeologist Ruth Shady always to the head of the project.

In the central zone, there are 32 structures or residences distributed in two main areas: Caral Alto in the north and Caral Bajo in the south. The integral circuit of 2h30 or the ligero circuit of 1h30 can be realized, the accompaniment of a guide is obligatory. In several strategic points, there are watchtowers or platforms to better observe the sites.

Caral Alto

Caral Alto, in the north, gathers the most extensive constructions and residences. There are 7 pyramids, two circular plazas, a Central Plaza, a space for collective congregation, and the smaller Plaza de la Huanca.

Pirámide Mayor (Sector E). Measures 150 meters long, 110 meters wide and 28 meters high. It stands in front of the central square where it is believed the market was located. It was the most important one of the site, the one you can see in the pictures. It was surrounded by a circular plaza and stepped platforms.

Edificio Piramidal La Cantera (Sector B), built on a rocky promontory that served as a quarry. On its top there is a circular altar, a furnace and two underground conduits.

Edificio Piramidal Central (Sector C), thesecond in size with a height of 18 meters. It is located to the west of the central plaza. Next to it a small square was found that was used for rituals.

Edificio Piramidal La Galería (Sector H), at the eastern end of the city, it is thethird in height. It is connected to the site by an underground gallery.

Edificio de la Banqueta (Sector N), smaller and anecdotal.

Edificio Piramidal La Huanca (Sector I), it is here that we find a monolith planted in the ground of a height of 2,15 meters.

Caral Bajo

Caral Bajo, in the south, has smaller buildings such as the archaeological complex of the Anfiteatro or the Altar Circular.

Templo del Anfiteatro (Sector L), a fortified complex made up of a circular square in the shape of an amphitheater. It is the largest of the complex with a diameter of 29 meters. It is the most important of this part and the most famous after the Pirámide Mayor.

Edificio del Altar Circular(Sector P), where we find again a circular altar, a furnace and its conduits.

At the entrance a small museum and panels explain the development of the civilization, its prosperity, regional exchanges, the development of fishing and cotton cultivation for example. One also learns more about cosmovision, this mysterious link between men and the elements which regulated their life.

On the spot we also find toilets, a small restaurant and a store. A visit rich in teachings without any doubt. At the end of October, Caral Raymi festival.

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