Cave à bières

A bright shop located in the lovely artistic classes < i > Kunsthof < /i >, where there are more than 300 different beers! Here, no Heineken nor Becks, only craft beers. All countries of beer are represented here: Germany and Belgium of course, but also the United States, Canada, Scotland or Austria… and there is something for everyone: flowers, tart, malta, fruity… sellers, very qualified, can guide you in your purchases.

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Liquor store

Original shopping idea. In this factory, in fact, we play with fire, or with the devil, depending on, because we distil absinthe, an alcohol banned at the beginning of the 20th century, whose power is compared to the devastating effects of opium. Fortunately, this absinthe sold here is quite legal (its percentage of alcohol is now lower than that of the absinthe on sale at the time of Verlaine and Rimbaud) and it is also quite traditional and delicious. This small shop offers tastings on site, but you can also buy bottles to bring back to France to impress the gallery with very chic labels, inspired by the aesthetics of the Belle Epoque, and appellations de crus as worrying as they are sought after: Drachenblut (Dragon Blood), Black Angel, Green Fairy, Green Tiger... Note also that the brand prepares a typical Dresden whisky. Then Prost!

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Where can I find well-chosen German wines without breaking its tirelire? This wine cellar, modestly installed in a former customs station, has a young and democratic approach to wine culture, hence its slogan (Wein für alle! " wine for all! ). Prices are quite affordable and staff are competent. It is possible to taste the wines on site. There are also, of course, French or Italian bottles, but also Belgian, Portuguese or Hungarian wines. A swims and modern style that makes good, in a wine world where prejudices are tenacious.

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