Natural site to discover

The volcano Plosky Tolbaltchik (3 682 m), located 350 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamtchatski, is part of the Klioutchevskaïa volcanic group to the east of the peninsula and is located in the territory of the natural park of the Klioutchevskoï volcano, which is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The volcano is cut by two caldeiras: the first 3 kilometres in diameter was formed about 6 500 years ago in a powerful rash. It was formerly occupied by a small shield volcano and a glacier that formed a characteristic flat summit, hence the qualifier "plosky" (dish) attached to its name.

Inside the old pebble is a young pebble 400 meters high and 1,8 km in diameter created during the penultimate volcanic eruption of 1975-1976. This eruption ever changed the surrounding area of the volcano causing two ruptures (north and south), creating four scories cones and destroying all vegetation over 400 km ². The visit of the volcano, its cones and the "dead forest" allows to realize the magnitude of this phenomenal eruption.

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