Time difference Monaco

The time zone in the Principality of Monaco is the same as in Paris (UTC+2). The summer and winter time changes are also similar to those applied in France.

Opening hours Monaco

To see / To do Monaco

The opening hours are generally similar to the French ones. Please note that some places may be closed on Sundays, public holidays or during the F1 Grand Prix. The number of visitors is generally higher in summer and during major international events (Grand Prix, Printemps des Arts...).

Public holidays in Monaco: January1st, January 27th, Easter Monday, May1st, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Corpus Christi Day, August 15th, November1st , November 19th, December 8th and December 25th. If one of these days falls on a Sunday, it is made up on Monday.

Enjoying yourself Monaco

The opening hours of Monegasque restaurants are very similar to those in France. It is advisable to check the weekly closures, which can vary according to the season. We strongly advise you to make reservations in advance, as the establishments can quickly be full, especially at lunchtime. Crowds are particularly high during the summer months and during major international events.

Take a break Monaco

The opening hours are very similar to those of the French establishments. Reservations are generally recommended. The number of visitors is particularly high during the summer and during major international events.

(To) please yourself Monaco

Opening hours are generally the same as in France. Some shops may be closed on Sundays, during Monegasque public holidays or during the Formula 1 Grand Prix.

The number of visitors is generally higher during the summer and during major international events

Public holidays in Monaco: January1, January 27, Easter Monday, May1 , Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Corpus Christi Day, August 15, November1 , November 19, December 8 and December 25. If one of these days falls on a Sunday, it is made up on Monday

Get out Monaco

Nightclubs usually open in the early evening, if they offer food service, and close at daybreak. Theaters and other entertainment venues are open according to their schedule.