Veranda Terrace

A member of the Size nature network, the MTA store in Chenôve offers you various services in the area of shutters, doors, windows and, above all, verandas. Building a Veranda for his house is not a thin business. Before embarking on a veranda, clearly define its objectives: make a more beautiful house, have an extra space, bring heat in winter and not summer. Here you will find what you need. One of the exclusive features of the brand is Innovative and Comfortable Systems such as the Cool Activ, which allows you to control the brightness of your room and to optimize light in a veranda with opaque sliding panels creating a well of light. For absolute security, opt for the Safety Program: light concealment, protection against intrusion, acoustic and thermal insulation, etc. It adapts to your veranda, allowing you to be sheltered without showing you… Different ventilation and lighting solutions are also available from the box to the integrated aérations, from the fortes to the atmosphere atmosphere.

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