Natural Crafts
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4 km from Medina Fort lies the falls of Felou. The road between the fort and the falls is beautiful. It runs along the river Senegal and crosses Medina village. Falls are less spectacular than the Chutes falls, but the place is still very pleasant. On the outskirts of the falls is a stele in tribute to the first French colony of Mali. The falls are famous also for their «giant pots», large stone bowls polished by the torrents. Take care of the siphons if you want to swim. Drownings have already taken place.

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Monuments to visit
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The fort, located 12 km from Kayes, was built in 1855 by Faidherbe to protect Medina's city against the attacks of the Toucouleur troops of El Hadj Omar Tall, who increasingly threatened French interests in the region. In 1857, the latter attacked the princes of Khasso refugees in the strong and allies of the French. The siege lasts three months until the arrival of Faidherbe, which releases the fort and breaks the troops of the Muslim conquerors. The fort also sheltered part of the French treasure (gold reserves) during the Second World War to remove it from the German occupier. Today, the various parts of the fort can be rebuilt: the residence, the prison, the officers'mess, the lingerie, the school… The monument to the dead, high on order of General Faidherbe, Governor of Senegal, the train station, the slave market, the French cemetery and the watch tower are located outside the fort. The tombstone of the young Mary Duranton lies in the fortress of the fortress. Today, restoration works in Medina Fort attempt to revive a collective memory.

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