Natural site to discover

Created in 1956, the park was extended in the 1970s. It has been a World Heritage Site since 1984. Salonga Park is located in the Monkoto territory, straddling the Tshuapa, Equateur and Kasai provinces, in the heart of the central Congo River basin. The complex is divided into two sections (North and South) covering an area of 3.6 million hectares, mainly covered by lowland primary forests.

A priceless intact heritage. It is also the largest protected area of dense rainforest on the African continent. Several rivers flow through the vast swampy areas and forest galleries, including the Salonga, which gives it its name. Accessible by water, this vast park is home to some of the DRC's most emblematic species: the bonobo, the forest elephant, the Congo peacock, the African gharial, the salt-fishing owl, the giant pangolin, the leopard, the hippopotamus and many more. All of this in a relatively untouched forest area, including zones that are still unexplored to this day. It also plays a fundamental role in climate regulation and carbon sequestration mechanisms. This makes it of outstanding universal value. The park's biodiversity is unique in Central Africa.

Conservation and threats. The park's size and isolation make it difficult to protect natural species (ivory trafficking, bushmeat, etc.) and their natural habitat (bushfires, illegal logging, etc.). One third of the park's southern sector is home to groups of Pygmies. The stakes involved in conserving this exceptional heritage are therefore particularly high, and now more than ever, protection measures need to be stepped up and the appropriate resources put in place. The integration of local communities living in the corridor between the two sectors of the park is an important condition for safeguarding the park and its natural resources.

Access. The visitor center is located in Monkoto. To get there, it takes two or three days from Boende to Monkoto, crossing various rivers in ferries. Or one day by fast canoe. On site, allow at least 5 days for several forest outings, accompanied by park trackers. For accommodation, you can stay in the Etate village in the WCS NGO camp. Organized tours are available from Kinshasa via Danico Tours (+243 81 68 58 699).

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