Beer bar

An institution in Kathmandu. Open since 1997, Sam's Bar offers an environment where the history of tourism is written - literally, as all the walls are covered with the words of passing visitors. The outdoor terrace upstairs is not a viewpoint (the bamboo judiciously separates the tables from the surrounding street) but a welcome moment of calm. A relaxed atmosphere in small rattan armchairs, with international music playing in the background. A good place to have a drink with friends, with a menu of beers and classic cocktails.

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Beer bar

Despite the subtitle "40,000 1/2 feet bar", it's certainly not the highest bar in Thamel, or even in Kathmandu... but it may be one of the most touristy for passing travellers. The terrace doesn't offer a view of Thamel, but it's pleasant and well planted with trees. In a cosy room with attractive flooring and bay windows, the ceiling is covered with paper prints (of Yeti?) hung and scribbled by travellers on their return from the trek. A nice place to build your trekker's imagination while drinking a good rum.

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