Street square and neighborhood to visit
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A traditional street for tinsmiths and boilermakers, with gleaming ... Read more


Street square and neighborhood to visit
1 review

They are still visible from the Bulevar, which was the front line during the 1992-93 fighting. The most symbolic building is undoubtedly the «Glass Bank» (see description) always in the center of the modern city. But it was mostly in Mostar East that the destruction was the most numerous.

Walking route

From the Spanish Square to the east, the journey is constellated with ruins.

Former hotel NeretvaMostarskog Bataljona. Just across the Musala Bridge, it dates from the Austro-Hungarian period. A rehabilitation project has been dragging on since 2005.

Continue 200 m east by continuing straight into Braće Brkića Street.

Razvitak Shopping Center - At the corner of Braće Brkića and Maršala Tita. Its name ("development") seems to be completely inappropriate today. This huge square structure dating back to 1970 was one of the most beautiful architectural achievements of the socialist period with its large concrete panels decorated with medieval style designs. Unfortunately, it is still being abandoned because there is no serious reconstruction project. In front of a good popular popular restaurant with 5 km: Aščinica Sahan (daily except Sunday and J. holiday 6:30-5:00 p. m.).

Continue south on Maršala Tita Street.

Maréchal-Tito Street - Maršala Tita. Along the great north-south axis of Mostar East there are still many completely abandoned buildings, which sometimes only remain the walls of bullets and shells. This is particularly true of the former girls' high school located right behind the Old Bridge, facing the Tanzejvan-Ćehaja mosque. Dating back to the Austro-Hungarian period, this long stone building of three levels also served as a city hall and is now only a skeleton standing standing by wood and murked on the ground floor. For fear of falling stones, parking is prohibited. Here as in all ruined buildings inherited from war, it is of course forbidden to enter.

Get off the stairs of Kujundžiluk Street to reach the Old Bridge.

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