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The ancient city of Gerasa had two thermal complexes. The thermal baths fulfilled an important social function, allowing the exchange of news and the latest gossip while attending musical performances.

The western thermal baths. Below the northern tetrapyle, in the opposite direction of the Decumanus, you will notice some ruined buildings, made of big blocks of stone, and pierced with big arches. This is the old thermal complex of the city of Gerasa, dating from the 2nd century. It included a caldarium (room with hot water basin), a tepidarium (room with warm water basin) and a frigidarium (room with cold water basin). One of the chambers still has its dome on top of the square room. The remains of the hypocaust ovens used to heat the water in the caldarium can also be seen.

The eastern baths. Located outside the walls, behind the mosque facing the southern bridge, these thermal ruins are among the largest and best preserved in the Near East. They were the subject of major excavations between 2016 and 2018, during which fragments of sculptures were found, now on display at the Jerash Archaeological Museum. This huge complex was built in several phases: the first began around 140 with the construction of 7 buildings, including the huge baths with walls that could exceed 11 meters in height. Towards the middle of the 3rd century, the complex was extended to the north with the addition of 13 rooms and an exedra with columns decorated with statues.

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