Abbey monastery and convent

The royal crypt is located at the end on the right. It has a mortuary atmosphere, unlike the chapel, with its richly decorated ceilings. For aristocrats, monarchists and royal history enthusiasts. Situated on a hilltop overlooking Nova Gorica and Gorizia, it offers a very interesting view of the architectural break between the old Italian city and the new Slovenian city. The first reason to visit the museum is that it is one of the few historical remains of the modern period on this side of the border. The crypt of the Bourbons is the eternal resting place of the unfortunate Charles X, driven into exile after the July Revolution. The convent, monumental, recalls a glorious and sumptuous past. It is still in use today. In the same complex, one will push with delight the doors of the impressive library which counts among its most famous works a dedicated copy of the Slovenian grammar of Adam Bohorič (end of the 16th century). The church is full of valuable information on the historical context with notes translated into French. Finally, a detour to the garden is a must in the summertime to admire and be intoxicated by the subtle essences of the famous bourbon roses. A nice escapade that offers a nice point of view on the border and on the architectural nuances that exist between Gorizia and Nova Gorica.

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