Religious buildings

This is a Syrian-phoenician temple, the typical plan of which is used by both the Syrian, Roman and Mesopotamian world. The current remains that are Roman (around the th century) occupy the location of a cult sémito-cananéen in honour of Baal who was assimilated to Zeus Baétocécien. The sacred perimeter was surrounded by an imposing enclosure. Today, the north side of the temple is particularly well preserved (note the gigantic proportions of the stone blocks reminiscent of Baalbek in Lebanon). Situated at the centre of the sacred perimeter, the sanctuary of the divinity is evident, especially through the steps intended to drive it. It was in this particular place that sacrifices were made, in the open air. Take a look at the door, learn little by little from the wild herbs. On his lintel, an eagle surrounded by two male allegories is still visible. One is the evening star and the other is the morning star. A Greek inscription of 171, on the door is, records the dedication of the whole by the premises. Right across the road, right across the road, lies the ruins of what seems to have been an auxiliary temple, which has become a monastery.

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