Natural site to discover

Along with Salang, ABC is one of Tioman's hot spots for diving. With 3 wrecks to explore close to the beach, you don't have to go far to enjoy the beauty of the island's seabed. It's also a good place for snorkeling, as visibility is often excellent around the island. The best dive centers in Air Batang are Blue Heaven (French-speaking instructor and SSI certification) and Eco Divers. Both are PADI-certified.

House reef. Accessible directly from the beach, ABC's house reef allows you to brush up on your diving basics with a maximum depth of 12 meters. It's also a good place to spot the rare goby.

KM Sipadan and Sawadee wrecks. The KM Sipadan is a former Malaysian army warship. It was deliberately sunk in 2012 to create an artificial reef. The site is ideal for Nitrox diving, as well as for highly experienced divers who can then visit the interior of the ship. Two other wrecks of Thai fishing boats seized by customs were also sunk on the same site at a depth of 30 meters. If you're lucky, you may come across a stonefish or a crocodilefish.

Pulau Renggis. This small island off the Berjaya golf course is a diver's and snorkeler's paradise. It requires a short boat trip of around ten minutes. With a depth of just 10 meters, the site is often selected for a third daily dive or a night dive. Blacktip sharks are often seen here.

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