Natural site to discover

Cape Galeota, it is the cape that Christopher Columbus, on July 31, 1498, saw the first from his ship, and that he shouted "Land!" to the passengers exhausted by such a long crossing towards the unknown. A salvific cape after 7 months of crossing and non-existent food, for an island that he named the Trinity. He then named this cape "Punto de Galeota" (the point of the ship) in homage to his dear ship the Santa Maria and his vassal caravels the Pinta and the Niña. It is not possible to access it nowadays because the peninsula is dedicated to the oil industry.

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Natural site to discover

This reserve, with its rich flora and fauna, is also the easiest place to observe mud volcanoes. Imagine a greasy jungle, full of thorny plants, where you have to wade through thick mud to make headway. After ten minutes or so, you come to an expanse like a clearing. In the middle is a muddy puddle with an irregular bubbling at its center. Be careful not to get too close to the strange puddle, as the ground here is shifting.

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