Regional grocery cheese and cream shops

If Nantes is famous for its Curé nantais, Couëron is especially famous for its tome! The famous "La Tome de Couëron" cheese was created in 1994 by Jean-Paul Rivière. At the end of this year, Delphine and Alexis have taken over his legacy. In their workshop in Couëron, they make and mature for a month this artisan cheese made from raw cow's milk, salted with Guérande salt. Every morning, the milk comes from a local farm for an authentic product. They offer cheese lovers a choice of a dozen flavors, including plain tome, muscadet, bruschetta, wild garlic, pepper, beer, cumin... There's something for everyone! You'll find Tome de Couëron on sale directly from the workshop, as well as in the cheese sections of stores around Nantes.

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