Cosmetics store

It is known that the unique calm of the gersoises areas gives above all desire to buller, but if Sabine gets involved, she will make you grow! Soapmaking to humour stripper, however, is the ultimate sweetness it puts through unique, original, inspired and 100% natural creations. A follower of cold saponnisation that asks for as much time as attention and can only be achieved by hand, she will tell you that this is the only way to obtain incomparable moisture and respect for the skin. Healthier, you will not find here a conservative but honey, wax and essential oils derived from organic farming and selected for their subtle and sweet fragrances… and their specific properties! Working only with local products, Sabine is a craft artist. Beyond their vertûes, his soaps fall into cheesecake in chantilly, in chocolates, dinosaurs, flowers, hearts or beetles: a small world of 180 models and dozens of different alloys. You are cracking for special barbe soap, the Caesar close to the Aleppo and even the jeans have their special anti-chip. Find yours!

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