Mirrors Glasses

This is a place where jewelry can be found (necklaces, associating, headlines, rings, bracelets, etc.), accessories (accessories, pins, faux, pochettes, bags, serre, éphémères, maison, kitchen, gift-gifts, holidays, stationery - and children, etc.)… The owner, Louise, embarked on this adventure with the good idea of sharing his discoveries with us. Each proposed object was chosen by its care. The universe is feminine, nice and full of soul. We like decoration accessories, fine mirrors, jewelry, care products… We also find what to give his kitchen some notes pimpantes, or to garnish his desk of carnets à. Children will not miss these treats, and will leave with a nice fox-shaped pillow, or a small, chef's Liberty deck. The address is perfect for smell trends and discovering original products, so as to bathe everyday life.

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