Maternity wards


- Level I

- Unit of Obstetrics

- 13 single rooms and 2 suites: washbasin, toilet, shower, TV, tel.

- 2 kindergartens and 2 working rooms

Average length of stay: NC


With its beds, motherhood offers a hyperpersonnalisés and confidentiels stay in luxurious accommodation. Women are generally very satisfied, but care is not given to hospital in the medical microcosm. A rate of caesarean around the 40%, let's leave it perplexed… There is suspicion that the institution will practise them on demand, as in the US… Indeed, the establishment is very popular by the international community. The staff, in small care, are therefore mostly bilingual French-English, or even trilingual, and it is even possible to use interpreters in other languages. A reservation therefore concerns some medical aspects of the facility. On the other hand, everything was designed to offer mothers maximum comfort and privacy. The hospital offers private rooms and hyper-equipped suites, with a special attention to the restoration of meals in a variety of menus. Room service in the day, gastronomic card and guest trays for visitors, and a library. High-end and very expensive benefits that are not within the reach of all because the clinic is not attached. Find out about your mutual needs.

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