Columns and statues to see

This column is located on the edge of departmental 933, at the limit of Aisne and la Marne, at the location where Napoleon was held 1 st to order his troops at the Battle of Montmirail - Walking-en-Brie on February 11, 1814. 18 metres high, in Corinthian style, the monument is surmounted by a stone crown on which a golden eagle (1 m 42 of height and 1 m 30 of height for 500 kg weight) to greenhouses supported on a sphere, half-éployées wings and head east. This monument, inaugurated in 1867, was restored in 1913 for the celebration of the centenary of battles in 1958, and in 2014 for the major events commemorating the battles of Napoleon's Campaign of France 1. 

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