Creative leisure activities

Carton De has elected home in the countryside at Roots 40 km from Troyes and 6 km from Ervy-le-Châtel. Catherine Mainardi, professor of mathematics, is now making cardboard furniture. She creates, exposes, and shares this technique with all the curious and passionate. Lightweight, printable, opaque, insulating and very good resistance, working cardboard offers many advantages, the main material is within the scope of all the stock exchanges, it calls for the use of environmentally friendly products for the environment. The construction of the cardboard furniture is a thorough work… From drawing to cutting through the application of silk or varnish paper, there is a bit of work. In the end you get light furniture, solid, washable and… design! These are real functional furniture: convenient location where you can store your business, chairs in which you can sit down… Count 80 € to work with Catherine and manufacture with her over half a day a coffee table. To discover!

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