Time difference Texas

There's a 7-hour difference between Houston and Paris. Texas straddles two time zones, with a one-hour difference between El Paso (Mountain Daylight Time) and Austin (Central Daylight Time). The time zone changes twice a year, once in autumn and once in spring. The time difference is often much easier to manage when you're traveling to Texas, but much harder when you're back in Europe. We recommend that you try to sleep on the plane as much as possible to catch up on sleep.

Opening hours Texas

To see / To do Texas

Visiting hours are usually between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., with closures on Mondays and/or Sundays. Some points of interest close on public holidays. The busiest days are weekend days.

Enjoying yourself Texas

Most restaurants stay open between 5pm and 9pm. Some restaurants also function as cocktail bars and may have later opening hours, usually until midnight. Texans dine earlier than Europeans, usually around 6pm. On weekend evenings, it can be very difficult to find a table. Since restaurants are a very common social gathering place - Texans even go there up to four times a week! -you'll find that there's always a small waiting list at the entrance. We therefore recommend booking in advance, or not showing up too late. However, there's often a bar where you can enjoy a cocktail while you wait.

Take a break Texas

Cafés open early in the morning, sometimes as early as 6.30 or 7am. On the other hand, they often close early too, between 3pm and 4pm. Bars often have their happy hour between 3pm and 5pm, or 4pm and 6pm. Weekends are the most crowded evenings, especially for craft beer breweries, which are becoming beloved rural destinations for Texans in search of a good cold beer. Bars are often closed at the beginning of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). Cafés are open every day.

(To) please yourself Texas

Stores are open from 10am-11am until 5pm-7pm, depending on their location. In city centers, they are often open until 7pm or even 8pm, while in smaller towns it's often 5pm or even 4pm. They are often closed on Sundays, with the exception of shopping malls, which become popular meeting and socializing places at weekends.

Get out Texas

Most bars are open at weekends, and rarely at the start of the week. More casual and standard bars tend to be open every day of the week, generally opening their doors in the late afternoon until midnight. Cocktail bars or more upscale bars tend to be open only at weekends, until late hours. Nightclubs are only open at weekends, and sometimes on Sundays too, until 2 or 3 in the morning. Happy hours are usually between 4 and 6 p.m.

Ticket offices for concerts and shows are open until 2 or 3 hours before the show. Concerts and shows usually take place at weekends.