Association for the protection of animals

The Société Protecrice des Animaux (SPA) is the leading animal protection association in France. Created in 1845 by Etienne Pariset, his fight was then about protecting the horses that the Parisian coaches mistreated. It was then recognized as a public utility in 1860. The SPA now takes in nearly 50,000 animals in distress, abandoned, lost or mistreated in its sixty or so shelters and SPA Houses, and in its Great Refuge for mistreated equidae. The SPA has created 12 dispensaries to treat animals from poor owners, an Anti-Trafficking Unit to dismantle illegal livestock farming, 26 Youth Clubs to raise awareness among adolescents about animal protection. The SPA is also committed to raising public awareness, empowering animal owners and lobbying public authorities to change the animal cause in France. The SPA acts through: 162,000 loyal donors, 21,000 members, 656 employees, 3,000 volunteers, 4 inspectors and 1,000 investigative delegates. It lives only on the generosity of the public, to accomplish all its daily missions.

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 Paris, 75017


Association for the protection of animals

The Centrale Canine organization, dedicated to the canine world since 1881 in Aubervilliers, works to preserve and promote dog breeds. It centralizes the management of the Livre des Origines Français (LOF), which guarantees the authenticity and purity of bloodlines. The Centrale Canine brings together breeders, training clubs and dog event organizers. Its regulations guarantee the well-being of dogs and ensure the evolution of French dog sports. If you're a dog breed enthusiast, a dog owner or just a hobbyist, join Centrale Canine for information or to get involved in actions to improve this heritage.

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 Aubervilliers, 93300


Association for the protection of animals

Brigitte Bardot, the head of animal protection, created in 1986 his foundation for the respect of our comrades and feathers. It is legally involved in the case of abuse. It helps shelters. She organizes bail-outs and multiplies information campaigns in France and abroad. It also has an adoption service. More than 70 000 donors from 60 countries support this foundation.

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 Paris, 75016


Association for the protection of animals

The six pillars of this cat school? The trapping of stray cats (to sterilize, not to euthanize, of course!), sterilization, tattoo, site remission and domiciliation (integration of shelters for cats on the site in a enclosure, this solution is seldom put in place because of volunteers for the maintenance of these cats for cats), feeding (the friends of the birds thanks them!), taking into account the cats that can be made to life and their adoption.

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 Paris, 75018


Association for the protection of animals

This foundation ensures a mission of protection and rescue of animals. It provides assistance to animals that have been mistreated, abandoned or have lost their masters through clinics, retirement homes and reception centres. The foundation has also set up an educational programme so that children can learn more about animals by visiting the educational farm at the Hameau de la Reine in Versailles: a way of raising awareness among the youngest.

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 Paris, 75011


Rat Removal and Disinfection

The front of this store provokes cries of fear, sometimes smiles, but always astonishment. Because the house Aurouze, which was formerly called the White Fox, details its activities in a rather raw way in its window. Specialist in the destruction of pests - a very sensitive subject in Paris - it attracts (it is the right term) dozens of stuffed rats and mice, some of which have been captured for a century. We'll tell ourselves that the state of preservation is amazing, then we'll go into that store, and we'll realize that we can find everything. The advice is effective, you do not feel helpless in the face of these intrusions, and often the products are the right ones.

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 Paris, 75001