Climate Trinidad & Tobago

The climate in Trinidad and Tobago is tropical, with high relative humidity. The coolest months are January and February, when the average minimum temperature is about 20°C. The warmest months are April, May and October, with an average maximum temperature of about 32°C. In general, average temperatures range from 25°C in February to 29°C in April. Temperatures vary considerably between day and night, and the climate along the coast is tempered by sea breezes, making it more pleasant than inland.
The country has a fairly long dry season from January to May and a short dry season in September and October. The prevailing winds are the northeast trade winds. The islands are outside the main cyclone zone, and insurance companies insure ships that take refuge there for the season, but Tobago is sometimes hit by disastrous hurricanes.

Trinidad and Tobago and hurricanes

Trinidad and Tobago are located just outside (to the south) of the area where hurricanes and tropical depressions normally pass. However, there is always a risk that the islands will be hit by a strong tropical storm or even a cyclone. Tobago was hit by Hurricane Flora in 1963. It was a category 3 hurricane with winds reaching almost 200 km/h. It severely damaged the island and killed 20 people, 18 of them in Tobago. Trinidad & Tobago have also been hit by a dozen tropical storms in the last 30 years. They have only caused material damage, sometimes important though. However, the risk of a tropical storm or hurricane hitting Trinidad & Tobago is much lower than in other Caribbean islands, which is why these islands are among the few places where marine insurance companies accept to cover this risk in the Caribbean. (Along with Grenada and the Venezuelan islands) Many yachts based in the Caribbean choose to spend the hurricane season at anchor or in the dry dockyards of Chaguaramas, which is very well protected from strong winds. More than 500 ships can be counted there some years.

The best time to visit Trinidad and Tobago

The best time to visit Trinidad & Tobago is without a doubt February to April, by far the driest time of the year. Since these islands are almost always out of the path of hurricanes, in theory you can also choose summer, keeping in mind that it is very rainy and also quite heavy but never sweltering. December is still a fairly rainy month, but out of hurricane season and also a bit cooler than summer.

What clothes should I bring?

All year round: take light clothes made of natural fabrics, and possibly a light raincoat for stormy days, especially from June to December. From December to March, you can add a light sweater for the evening because it can be a bit cool, especially after a day in the sun. Don't forget the long sleeves that will protect you from insects during your walks in the rainforest.