Time difference Fiji

The time difference with France is 10h during our summer time period (end of March to end of October) and then 11h during our winter time period.

Opening hours Fiji

To see / To do Fiji

Most temples and museums are open every day. As the sun sets quite early in Fiji, schedules often follow this rhythm, and it's customary to eat early around 6.30-7pm. As tourists are fairly evenly spread across the islands, and Fiji is still a destination untouched by mass tourism, you won't have to deal with long queues or long waiting times.

Enjoying yourself Fiji

Restaurants often close quite early, and it's common to go out for dinner around 6pm-7pm, in fact to match the rhythm of the sun. It's often more difficult to find a restaurant on Sundays, but in the tourist areas you'll always have a choice. On some islands (Taveuni, for example), you'll need to make dinner reservations and specify your choices in the morning.

Take a break Fiji

Tourist bars by the sea can quickly become overcrowded, so it's a good idea to book in advance if you know the place is popular. Happy hours are quite early, in the middle of the afternoon, as it's customary to have dinner around 6:30-7pm.

(To) please yourself Fiji

Stores are often open every day, but opening hours vary from one store to another. While administrative offices (e.g. post offices) don't respect the opening hours posted in small towns, tourist stores generally respect the posted opening hours. Markets, on the other hand, are often closed on Sundays.

Get out Fiji

Fiji is not necessarily an Ibiza-style party destination, but you'll find bars and nightclubs in the larger towns (Suva town center, Nadi's Martintar district) or in tourist areas. Closing times are generally between 1 and 3 a.m.