Time difference Northern Macedonia

No time difference with mainland France, Switzerland and Belgium (same time zone). However, as North Macedonia lies much further east, the sun rises and sets earlier. Take this into account to avoid driving at night and plan your day.

Opening hours Northern Macedonia

To see / To do Northern Macedonia

Times vary according to the site. We'll give you the times and prices each time. Please note, however, that museums outside major cities are often closed at weekends. There's no way of booking in advance. But in general, it's not crowded, except sometimes in Ohrid, in the churches and at the Gallery of Icons.

Enjoying yourself Northern Macedonia

Most restaurants are also bars. As such, they are generally open from 8am to midnight, every day. Breakfast is ordered from midday onwards. Service is then continuous until around 10pm. Off-season is less flexible. Some restaurants are closed one day a week.

Take a break Northern Macedonia

Cafés, bars and brasseries are open every day, but rarely past midnight. Generally speaking, the locals are not big partiers or late-nighters.

(To) please yourself Northern Macedonia

Stores are generally open from Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm.

Get out Northern Macedonia

Cafés, bars and brasseries are open every day, but rarely past midnight. Generally speaking, the locals are not big partiers or late-nighters.