Time difference Italy

Same time zone as France, Belgium or Switzerland. There is no time difference if you are traveling from these countries.

Opening hours Italy

To see / To do Italy

It all depends on the city you are in. In the center of large tourist cities such as Rome, Florence or Venice, you will find many establishments open continuously. In medium-sized cities and, even more so, in villages, there is a break between 1 and 4 pm. Moreover, in the summer, most cities are slow in the early afternoon because of the heat. Museum hours vary according to the season, they are usually open from 9am to 7pm, or even 8pm. The same goes for outdoor tourist sites which generally follow the rhythm of the sun, and therefore close much later in summer. The closing day is usually Monday.

Enjoying yourself Italy

The restaurants are generally open from 12:30 to 3:00 pm and from 7:00 to 11:00 pm, or even later. It is often advisable to make reservations. In the big tourist cities, you will easily find restaurants open all day long.

Take a break Italy

You'll always find a café where you can sit or lean back for a break at the counter. From 6.30 or 7am, cafés open and serve cappuccino and cornetto, and many are open into the evening. These are the meeting places so dear to Italians.

(To) please yourself Italy

Stores open from 9am to 12:30pm and from 3:30pm to 7:30pm. In the big cities, many stores are open every day and on Sundays. Some streets in Rome and Milan are known for their luxury brands and are very busy all year round.

Get out Italy

Bars usually close around 2am, nightclubs around 4am. As far as the cinema is concerned, there are screenings throughout the day. Films are released in Italy on Thursdays and there is sometimes an intermission in the middle of the session.