Time difference Dominican Republic

The time difference between France and the Dominican Republic is 6 hours in summer and 5 hours in winter: when it's midday in Paris, it's 6 or 7 a.m. in Santo Domingo.

Opening hours Dominican Republic

To see / To do Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo's museums and cultural institutes (the capital has the largest concentration) are generally open from 9am (sometimes 10am on weekends) and close between 5pm and 7pm (a little earlier on weekends), depending on the establishment. Natural and urban sites, on the other hand, are accessible at all hours.

Enjoying yourself Dominican Republic

Restaurants in the Dominican Republic are generally open all day, with the exception of a few in the capital. Some are cafés serving food from dawn onwards, while others are more conventional restaurants, usually open from noon to 10pm, 11pm, midnight, or even later on weekends in major cities and seaside resorts.

Take a break Dominican Republic

Bakeries, cafeterias and ice cream shops are generally open all day, until 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, or even later, depending on the time of day. However, there are no set rules here and to avoid going out of your way, it's best to make a quick phone call. The bars, even more fashionable than the discotheques, in the capital as well as in Santiago or Las Terrenas, generally open their doors during the day, but tend to fill up around 6-7pm and close around 1 or 2am, sometimes later.

(To) please yourself Dominican Republic

In Santo Domingo as in the rest of the country, shops and boutiques are generally open from 8:30 am to noon and from 2:30 pm to 6 pm every day (some without interruption at noon), except on Sundays.

Get out Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, if the discotheques exist and are very frequented at the end of the week, it is rather in the musical bars that one goes out at night. These bars are generally open until 2 or 3 am. There are also a few places that specialize in live music (which are often bars) that are found more specifically in the capital. Concerts usually start between 7 and 9 pm depending on the place, the style and the day of the week. Discotheques are generally open until 6am.